Create a directory for your project and then create package.json file in it.
npm init –y
open this project in (VS Code) Code editor.
Then install express framework
npm install express
To use the development server, install nodemon.
npm install nodemon –D
To code in React style, install the ESM package.
npm install esm
We can check whatever package we have installed from the package.json file.
Create a file for the server server.js
// import express framework
import express from 'express';
// call express function
const app = express();
// call listen function for server
app.listen(3000, () => {
console.log('node js server started on 3000 port');
Go to package.json file and set command for development server.
"dev" : "nodemon -r esm server.js"
Your development server start successfully.
My name is Deepak tailor as a fullstack developer. I have been in the IT industry (PHP, Nodejs, flutter) for the last 5 years. For professional and customize web development & app development, you can send inquiry on our email.
You can contact him at